Bijvoet & Byvoet Familie vzw (B&B Foundation)

Onze familie geschiedenis over de eeuwen heen

About our Family tree

Our database contains about 10.000 persons. We started with quite some Family Trees, ending up, after intens research (over 20 years) in 3 main Family Trees. Each family tree is named after the ancestor ( if known) of that family branch. So far we have not been able to demonstrate any blood relationship between these 3 progenitors(Stamvader/AncĂȘtre). The two yellow arrows indicate that the two ancestors Dierick and Antonius (de Teuten) originate from Neerpelt ( St-Huibrechts-Lille) in Belgium, the cradle of the family. However, no blood relationship has yet been found in Neerpelt between these ancestors and the rest of the family. Whether the ancestors Arien, Heijndric and Laurens also originate from Neerpelt has not yet been proven.